03 August 2010


I had an epiphany yesterday. I was at physical therapy and noticed everyone in their professional dress and how they interacted with each other. WOW is the only thought that comes to mind.

As far as professionalism is concerned at my job... well it doesn't even exist to be frank. When we are on a job, we can be as professional as possible, but at the unit itself...HA! We are running around all day making "your mom" jokes and hosing each other down with water. Don't get me wrong, it is a blast for sure! Although our professionalism definitely comes into question. Not so much by civilians, but by myself and possibly other people I work with. Professional when we need to be, other wise it's goofball time. :) At least the people I work with are as dorky as I am. I love it. I wouldn't have it any other way.

02 August 2010

"Insert Witty Title Here"

What a wonderfully unproductive day. Got off duty this morning and decided to start the day right with an irish car bomb (or two) and then I headed to the laundromat. I've decided that sitting alone at the laundromat is a hell of a lot more fun with a buzz that without. Brilliant call Kate! It's been nice doing absolutely nothing on occasion. I took a three hour nap today. Awesome. It's been a good day.

It's gorgeous outside right now. Partly cloudy, a slight breeze, probably close to 70˙, just perfect. Soon I have to go ride my bike to physical therapy. Yay. The weather might be nice, but that doesn't mean I necessarily want to leave my house... damn!

So it's set. I am scheduled to get surgery on my foot on August 30th. I finally get to have my foot fixed! It's called a bunionectomy. They are going to cut into my first metatarsal and shave off a portion of the outside, then cut an L shape into the bone and realign it. Then they are going to screw it back together and stitch me up. I am going to be on light duty at work for a good three months. I can't say that my command is very pleased, but it is what it is. I'd like to get it fixed now while I'm young and it will only take three months to heal versus if I were to let it get worse and then the procedure is more invasive and it takes at least six months to heal. In this case, the pros out-weigh the cons for sure. I have to ride my bike into town for my post-op on the 20th. Then Nick will come home and five days later he gets to take me in to get cut on! Ha! Great timing, I know.

Time to blast off to physical therapy. Ick...